Grandfather Meets Grandson
Wow. This is a cute story with a twist. Again, LIFE IS WHY!
Cedric & Niecy Nash Go Red
Short and Cute. Just watch it. ;-)
Hot Chocolate
Cabin fever? A quick recipe to pile on the savory goodness of hot chocolate without all the calories!
New Year's Resolution: KNOW CPR
For anyone looking for New Year's Resolutions, here'e one: KNOW CPR. Watch Ella's Story and you'll see just how important knowing CPR is...
Rise Above Heart Failure
Enlightening AHA infomatic on the high price of heart failure on patients and their caregivers. Take a minute to think of those you know...
Hands - Free CPR is No Charade ;-)
What do you do if your partner in charades suddenly collapses? Are they for real? Well, I guess you've got 10 seconds to figure it out. ...
Hail to the Queen!
Heart failure effects so many, yet few talk about it. Kudos to the Queen and Mama Queen for their story. We need more folks talking...
F-A-S-T Song
OK. I had to post this one. Mostly because I've been singing "F-A-S-T" all day. ;-) ;-) Hip Hop & AHA. We hear you! #singFAST
I Heart Betty White
I can't get enough Betty White (or Golden Girls reruns). Now she's championing Go Red for Women! B.W. - just as spunky as ever.
Got to Clean Up B4 EMS Gets Here!
Leave it to Elizabeth Banks to make having a heart attack "comical". A "shout out" to her adorable son for making the diagnosis! And...